Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Snow Day!

The Nor'Easter arrived, but didn't pack quite the punch they had feared. We got about 7" of snow here in Belmont, a bit more than Boston. Turns out that we have received almost 35" since December 1st, which is about 22" above normal. Not bad, eh?

The kids were very happy tobe out of school Monday, but the roads were clear by mid-afternoon, and things got back to normal quickly. We even went out to dinner Monday evening to Bertucci's, one of Sonja's favorites in the area.

Here are a few pictures:

1 comment:

Dana said...

Look at you with a beard Tim! It looks good on you. Does it help keep your face warm? I'm just a little bit jealous of you guys. I was glad with the snow we got in Minnesota when I lived there but I think you guys are getting a lot more!