Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday, August 1

We're baaaaaaaaack!!!
We had a terrific time in "Sweet Home Alabama". For the first week that we were there, though, the skies were cloudy and rainy rather than blue. I guess that we brought the rain with us from up north. Our weeks were filled with eating at all of our favorite places (Dairy Queen, Las Vias, China Wok, & Zaxbys); 2 weeks of swimming lessons; several sleepovers; a trip to see the new Harry Potter movie; several visits to the Hartselle swimming pool; family gatherings; jumping on Grannie's trampoline; the Books a Million Harry Potter book 7 party and midnight release; a mother/daughter tea party; a college reunion; a trip to Point Malard water park; awesome worship music; a baby shower; and lots of hugs from dear friends. We loved seeing everyone!!! Thanks for all you did to bend your schedules to include us in your plans!

Our trip back to Belmont went well and was relatively uneventful. We have had a good couple of days here. Our first day back, the partners had the July birthday party at the sprinkler park in Belmont. The kids had fun reuniting with the new friends they've made here. Today we stayed at home most of the day. We're working on potty training with David. I'm afraid that with him I'm just going to have to "suck it up" and stay home for a week so he can go around the house naked from the waist down. He does ok if I don't put a diaper or pull up on him- he even came to me and told me that he had to go "teetee". But, as soon as the diaper or pull up goes on, he doesn't tell me until he is already wet.
We went to the Belmont pool today for about an hour late in the afternoon, and then Tim took us to dinner at a neat little Irish pub in Somerville. Now, all is quiet. The kids are in bed and Tim is working on a paper. I'm ready to jump back in to Harry Potter. Sniff!!

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